Fiddletree Add-On Showcase

  • Vacation Requests to Timecard Entries

    Turn your employees’ vacation requests and company holidays into timecard entries, coded exactly the way you want. This add-on includes the ability to choose the payroll department, earncode, job, phase, and more. Triggered based on button press on PR Timecard Entry and/or recurring scheduled job. Fully integrated with the Vista HR Management Time-Off and HR Resource Schedule workflow.

    Starting at $3,500 (one time)

  • HR Salary Updates

    By popular demand! Enable multi reviewer approvals for HR Action Items, requiring multiple employees to give confirmation before a request is approved, and update an employee’s salary in HR Salary History once full approved.

    Configurable for one or multiple HR Action Item templates and show the approval history on screen for subsequent approvers to review.

    Starting at $4,500 (one time)

  • Custom Vista Web Emails

    Take control of all email notifications! This add-on provides a custom portal setting for any standard Vista Web email and allows you to customize the text. It's that easy and awesome!

    Starting at $1,500 (one time)


    By popular demand! Enable multi-level, sequential approvals for checklists, requiring multiple employees to give confirmation before a request is approved. Configurable for one or multiple checklist templates, and shows the approval history on screen for subsequent approvers to review.

    Starting at $3,500 (one time)

  • Custom Onboarding Tasks to Vista

    When a new hire enters information on a custom task that data is currently stuck. With this customization, any data collecte in Onboarding can be pushed into standard or ud fields in Vista. This is most commonly used for Driver’s License information.

    Starting at $1,500 (one-time)

  • Benefit Rate Tables

    Empower your users with the ability to elect benefits during an open window that vary based on their age and or tobacco use. After users select their benefit option, the rate will populate based on the user’s age and/or tobacco use. This add-on integrates seamlessly with Vista HR Management and does not need to be adjusted or reapplied after portal update.

    Starting at $2,500 (one-time)

  • Performance Review with Lookback

    Managers can now view employee responses right on the screen during their performance review. All the information input from the employee will appear at the top of the screen for the manager to review. This includes the prompt and the response for the employee. Additionally, this add one can empower users of SMART goals to review the goals they input in the previous review and provide updates on their progress.

    Starting at $3,500 (one time)

  • HR to PR Attachments

    By default, the Vista HR Management will only push attachments during the new hire initialization process to the HR Resource. With this customization, attachments that you define (based on Attachment Type ID) will either copy or move to the employee’s PR or federal/state deduction line item for easy access.

    Starting at $1,500 (one-time)

  • I-9 Profile Company Address Default for multi company profiles

    Currently, Vista HR Management uses a single portal setting for the I9 employer information. This customization allows the Company associated with the Onboard Profile to define the company information that is utilized on the I9. A great time-saver for multi-company employers!

    Starting at $1,000 (one time)

  • I-9 Step 2 post initialization

    Fiddletree has a workflow to enable completion of the I-9 step 2 after the new hire has been initialized.

    Starting at $1,000 (one time)

  • EM Work Order to Meter Readings

    When a mechanic enters a WO in the Vista Web portal, there are fields for odometer readings and time entry. This customization will take that data a step further and make an update to the odometer readings in EM Equipment and PR Timecard Entry (standard timecard).

    Starting at $2,000 (one time)

  • Scheduled / Backup Vista Reviewers

    Do you have a reviewer that is going to be out of office? Do you need a backup reviewer for them?

    With this new add-on, you can manage a table for all backup reviewers. You can schedule the time period a backup reviewers will be able to make their approvals. This table will also populate from time off requests made in the Vista Web portal.

    Starting at $3,500 (one time)